Sekedar Documentasi untuk Pelupa

Mac-Address authentication Hotspot MikroTik

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Setting Hotspot
ip hotspot setup
hotspot interface: ether3
l address of network:
masquerade network: yes
ress pool of network:
select certificate: none
ip address of smtp server:
dns servers:
dns name:
name of local hotspot user:
password for the user:
Setting Hotspot Profile agar dapat login menggunakan mac dan enablekan radius pada hotspot
/ip hotspot profile set hsprof1 login-by=mac use-radius=yes
ip hotspot profile set hsprof1 use-radius=yes
Setting Radius. Karena di sini menggunakkan radius lokal MikroTik IP Addres menggunakan IP =
radius add service=dhcp,hotspot address= secret=1234
*address Dan secret harus di ingat untuk setting selanjutnya(userman)
Kenapa di service menggunakan dhcp dan hotspot. Ini penjelasannya :

  • hotspot - HotSpot authentication service : digunakan untuk autentifikasi
  • dhcp - DHCP protocol client authentication (client's MAC address is sent as User-Name) : digunakan untuk mengirim mac address sebagai username login

Setting User Manager dengan menambahkan router dan subcriber
tool user-manager router add ip-address= shared-secret=1234 subscriber=admin
*addres dan shared-secret harus sama dengan radius di atas
ip hotspot user remove 0
tool user-manager customer add login=admin password=tanyakanadmindeh
Sampai di sini setting login hotspot menggunakan mac address sudah selesai, tinggal menambahkan user. Dengan cara :
tool user-manager user add subscriber=admin username="mac-addres"
Format mac-addresnya 00:1C:BF:4E:FD:1D

Sumber Referensi  Manual MikroTik

Limit Download Indowebster

1 komentar
Setelah memantau trafik dari Fakultas-Fakultas yang menggunakan Bandwith penuh tapi sering terjadi komplain koneksi lambat..
Akhirnya ditemukan peyebabnya, ternyata client banyak menghabiskan bandwith untuk download di Indowebster  yang menyebab klien lain terasa lambat, akhir aq putuskan buat limitasi bandwith ke Indowebster.
Bukan maksud kejam tapi bandwith harus di bagi rata ke klien lain yang juga memerlukannya :D.

Tambahkan IP-IP indowebster ke addreslist

ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
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ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
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ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=
ip firewall address-list add list=indowebster-down address=

Tandai Koneksi dari Indowebster
ip firewall mangle add chain=forward action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=”IDWS” passthrough=yes dst-address-list=indowebster-down disable=no comment=”Conn IDWS”
Tandai Paket dari Indowebster

ip firewall mangle add chain=forward action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=”Paket IDWS” passthrough=no connection-mark=IDWS disable=no comment=””
Buat Queue untuk limit Indowebster

queue simple add name="LIMIT IDWS" dst-address= interface=all parent=none packet-marks=”Paket IDWS” direction=both priority=8 queue=default-small/default-small  limit-at=0/0 max-limit=32k/32k burst-limit=0/0 burst-threshold=0/0 burst-time=0s/0s total-queue=default-small

Bandwith dapat di atur sesuai kehendak,.

Thanks Segitu aj dulu :D


Mirroring Repositori Ubuntu + Script

0 komentar
Mirroring atau bercermin sebuah cara untuk meyebarkan repositori secara luas agar dapat di akses cepat.

Untuk mirroring.
Pertama : Login ke server yang akan menjadi mirror kemudian install debmirror

apt-get install debmirror

Kedua : Buat Script
----------------------dari sini-----------------------
debmirror -v -passive \ \
--root=ubuntu --method=http \
--progress --dist=lucid,lucid-backports,lucid-proposed,lucid-security,lucid-updates \
--section=main,restricted,universe,multiverse \
--arch=i386 --ignore-release-gpg \
--nocleanup \
--no-source -pdiff=none \

---------------------sampai sini --------------------

--host= -----------> tempat kita melakukan mirror (cari mirror terdekat)
/home/mirror/public_html/ubuntu/ --------> tempat menyimpan hasil mirroring

simpan script tersebut dengan nama "" pada debmirror

Ketiga : Jalan script tersebut
(jangan lupa mengubah chmod)

tunggu hingga selesai, waktu selesainya tergantung kecepatan internet. Biasanya sempat di pake buat weekend untuk nunggu sampai selesai :D.

Simple Firewall Mikrotik

1 komentar
Setelah browsing mencari bahan untuk meramu firewall akhirnya selesai juga, firewall yang sederhana masih banyak kekurangan. ini firewallnya :
/ip firewall filter add chain=input connection-state=established action=accept comment=”accept established connection packets” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input connection-state=related action=accept comment=”accept related connection packets” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input connection-state=invalid action=drop comment=”drop invalid packets” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward connection-state=established action=accept comment=”Allow Established Connections” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward connection-state=related action=accept comment=”Allow Related Connections” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward connection-state=invalid action=drop comment=”Drop Invalid Connections” disabled=no
/ip firewall address-list add list=trusted-network address= comment=”Trusted Network” disabled=no
/ip firewall address-list add list=trusted-network address= comment=”Trusted Network” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input dst-address-type=broadcast,multicast action=accept comment=”Allow Broadcast Traffic” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input src-address= action=accept comment=”Allow access to router from known network” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input src-address= action=accept comment=”” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=udp action=accept comment=”UDP” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=icmp limit=50/5s,2 action=accept comment=”Allow Limited Pings” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=icmp action=drop comment=”Drop Excess Pings” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=21 src-address-list=trusted-network action=accept comment=”FTP” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=22 src-address-list=trusted-network action=accept comment=”SSH for Secure Shell” disabled=n
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=23 src-address-list=trusted-network action=accept comment=”Telnet” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=80 src-address-list=trusted-network action=accept comment=”Web” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=8291 src-address-list=trusted-network action=accept comment=”Winbox” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=1723 action=accept comment=”pptp-server” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input src-address-list=trusted-network action=accept comment=”From Trusted Network” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input action=log log-prefix=”DROP INPUT” comment=”Log Everything Else” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=input action=drop comment=”Drop Everything Else” disabled=no
/ip firewall filter add chain=output dst-port=5678 protocol=udp action=drop comment="Blok Scan Winbox"


Load Balancing 2 ISP dan User Manager on RB433

0 komentar

Pertama adalah setting IP pada RB-433
Ether1 :
Ether2 :
Ether3 :

Setelah itu Mangle
IP --> Firewall --> Mangle
Buat Mark Connections masing-masing ISP
chain=prerouting action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=lb_1 passthrough=yes connection-state=new in-interface=ether1 nth=2,1
chain=prerouting action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=lb_2 passthrough=yes connection-state=new in-interface=ether1 nth=2,2
Buat Mark Routing masing-masing ISP
chain=prerouting action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=route_lb_1 passthrough=no in-interface=ether1 connection-mark=lb_1
chain=prerouting action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=route_lb_2 passthrough=no in-interface=ether1 connection-mark=lb_2
Kemudian NAT
chain=srcnat action=masquerade out-interface=ether2
chain=srcnat action=masquerade out-interface=ether3

Setelah itu buat Routing
Pertama Routing untuk segmen network ke
Dst. Address :
Gateway :
Routing Mark : lb_1

Pertama Routing untuk segmen network ke
Dst. Address :
Gateway :
Routing Mark : lb_1
Terakhir Routing ke masing-masing ISP

Dst. Address :
Gateway :

Dst. Address :
Gateway :
Setting DHCP
Buat Pool
# NAME                                         RANGES                        
 0 pool1                                   

Buat DHCP Server + Network Gateway
 0   dhcp-... local                         pool1            3d       

 # ADDRESS            GATEWAY         DNS-SERVER      WINS-SERVER     DOMAIN  

Selanjutnya Setting Hotspot + User Man (Tidak dijelaskan di sini, sudah ada di postingan sebelumnya)

Tambahan Setingg User Man
/tool user-manager customer add login=admin password=qwerty permission=owner
/tool user-manager router add subscriber=admin ip-address= shared-secret=1234
Di User Man kita bisa mengatur Bandwith user yang ad
Isi RX + TX sesuai bandwith yang di inginkan.

Mengganti Favicon Blogspot

0 komentar
Untuk merubah icon tersebut, caranya yaitu :

    * Login ke blogger..

    * Masuk ke menu "LAYOUT"--->"Edit HTML"

    * jangan lupa centang kotak “Expands Widget Template”

kemudian "Ctrl+F"
pertama yang kudu km lakuin yaitu cari kode script di bawah ini (di menu "Edit html" y) :

<link href='' rel='shortcut icon'/>
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

letaknya ada di paling atas kq...

klo yang berwarna biru itu kamu pindahkan tempatnya tepat sebelum tag </head>atau setelah tag ]]></b:skin>

klo diliat, jadinya kaya di bawah ini :


<link href='' rel='shortcut icon'/>


klo udah, tinggal di "Save Setting" deh...
dah bisa kan sekarang....

Video Setting FreeBSD (Install - Proxy Server)

2 komentar
Setelah ubek-ubek internet cari tutorial buat Installasi FreeBSD akhirnya ketemu juga videonya, malas baca jadi liat video aja lebih mudah di mengerti...